


Scientific products facilitated by PICS resources are curated by Portland State University's free PDXScholar service which maintains the PICS Preprint Archive.  If you are a PICS member wishing to add  your contribution in this preprint archive, please follow these steps:
  • Send the full bibliographic details of your preprint or published paper to the library by emailing to Karen Bjork <> copying <> and <>. Mention in your email that your paper is for listing under PICS.
  • Please include in your email a copy of the statement from your paper that acknowledges PICS and its supporting grant. (The currently active grant supporting PICS is NSF Grant DMS 1624776.  Here is an example of a statement for inclusion in your preprint:  "This work was facilitated in part by the Portland Institute for Computational Science and its resources acquired using NSF Grant DMS 1624776.")
  • If the paper is already published, please include its DOI. If the paper is not yet published, please attach a PDF copy of the preprint, with your email, and alert the library of any copyright issues or embargoes that you know of.

All publications facilitated by PICS are listed at    PICS Preprint Archive.

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